Senin, 26 Februari 2018
Tentang Didikan
Have you been in a situation, where you are surrounded by youngsters, who was born with silver spoon inside their mouth, and have no attitude..
I have... many times indeed..
Even though i pity them, and their parents too.. I feel the negativity to be around them is just too strong... and sometimes.. i need to take a deep breath and recite some prayer.
Dont get me wrong.. i understand clearly that they are just a bunch of youngsters, who probably has different survival capacity like their parents. Remember, most of them were born with silver spoon in ther mouth.
Again, im being a bit judgemental towards their behaviour. Yes, i can only say a bit..
But let me tell you, listening to the fact that they are boasting themselves, what they have, where they went, and saw them underestimating other people's belonging really make me sick .
Now, I pity them.. and a bit to their parents.. If we are talking about behaviour, it has to be something that you're told since you were young.. It is about the way to see things, a good point of view about others.. And some people, frankly speaking, just do not have the opportunity to get raised properly. Its true that they might have some steady financial background, but attitude, is beyond what money can buy..
As a moeslem, i learn that it takes longer period to learn about "adab" or politeness.. It is above 'ilmi' or knowledge... You may be the brightness, but if you have no courtesy, then it is nothing. Even so, again.. politeness is way beyond race, religion or ethnic groups.. It tells you who you are, where you come from and your roots, indeed.
Now.. adab is quite rare ... when people are only judged by their belongings...
As money becomes waaay to important to be ignored.. When people laugh at other's disability and feels like they are always.. on top of the world..
Astagfirullah al adzim..
Now i start the cursing..
I think i just need to end this posting... a small writings to relieve my discomfort when being around with some unethical rookies..
What is my next duty? to ensure that all my children got proper education ... insya Allah..
Kamis, 22 Februari 2018
Ayam Goreng Rempah - another altenative for easy-cooking
Setelah membiarkan blog hampir jamuran... ijinkan saya berbagi salah satu menu pilihan keluarga kami..
Ayam Goreng merupakan salah satu pilihan menu yang punya banyak penggemar dimana-mana..
Yang standard ada ayam ungkep kuning, atau putih.. ayam lengkuas maupun ayam goreng oriental...
Kali ini, ijinkan saya berbagi resep pilihan... Menggunakan ayam fillet atau ayam utuh yang dipotong ukurang agak kecil, karena menggunakan teknik marinasi ..
Kenapa namanya ayam goreng rempah? karena saya menggunakan rempah dengan porsi generous di resep ini..
Resep dan cara membuatnya sebagai berikut :
Bahan-bahan :
500 fillet daging ayam (bisa paha atau dada ) - dipotong memanjang uk 3 cm x 5 cm , cuci dengan 3sdm air lemon, biarkan 5 menit, cuci dengan air lalu sisihkan
Bahan marinasi :
1 sdt garam
1 sdm bumbu kari bubuk
2 sdm madu
3 siung bawang putih dan 2 cm jahe diulek halus
1/2 sdt ketumbar
1/2 sdt lada
Tepung utk coating :
150 gr tepung terigu serbaguna
2 sdm maizena
2 sdm tepung beras
1/2 sdt peres garam
1/2 sdt lada halus
4 lembar daun jeruk diiris tipis
Cara membuat :
1. Campur semua bahan marinasi - masukkan ayam ke dalamnya.. lalu letakkan di dalam chiller selama 30 - 45 menit
2. Angkat ayam, tiriskan.. lalu aduk dengan campuran tepung .. coating sesuka hati.. lalu masukkan kembali ke dalam freezer selama 15 menit.
3. Siapkan wajan dengan minyak yang cukup untuk menggoreng hingga terendam.. Goreng 2x agar renyah... Gorengan pertama biasanya sekitar 3-4 menit.. sedangkan gorengan kedua sekitar 3 menit - agar crispy. Gunakan panas sedang, agar ayam tetap juicy.
4. Hidangkan dengan nasi, sambal tomat, dan lalapan...
Oh well.. monggo dicoba.. semoga menambah perbendaharaan menu anda...
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