Minggu, 20 September 2015

Easy-peasy Non bake Chese Cake

Hello everyone,

What a week .. Im trying to catch my breath while on the same time, trying my best to have a 'me-time' and quality time with kiddos as well..

Children loveess sweet things.. they have sweet tooth- just like me :) .. well, mine especially..
There have been times when they would like to have either pudding or ice cream of cheese cake.. and today - i decided to make a simple dessert - a comforting one - easy to make - non bake cheese cake.

The original recipe, of course was not mine.. But to tell you the truth, im taking a little of this and that from several recipes..

So, this is my recipe :

Easy-Peasy Non-Bake Cheese Cake

Bahan2 :
1 bks biscuit marie regal – roughly ground 
1 sachet skm putih
15 keping biscuit keju 

Bahan Cream cheese:
150 gr keju cheddar parut
1 bks susu dancow – dicairkan dengan 200 ml air
200 ml susu cair
6 sdm gula pasir
1 sdm munjung maizena – dicairkan dengan 2 sdm air

1 bks whip cream (saat ini pakai merk pondan)
240 ml caramel frappe instant (bisa diganti dengan susu cair atau air es)

Cara membuat :
11. Mix the roughly ground biscuit with melted margarine or butter ( i use 2 full tbs ) 
22. Make them as cake base - put them  in the fridge whilst you are making cheese melt 
33. Boil milk - add shredded cheddar and sugar. Let it boiled and add maize - turn the stove off , keep stirring until its warm. Put the chiz biscuit as another layer - put it back on the fridge. 
.   4. Next shall be whip cream. I am using one bottle of instant caramel frappe and mix it with vegetarian WC . Use a high-speed mixer  for 5 - 10 minutes till it set. Pour WC on top and let it freeze for another 30 minutes

   . And its ready to eat.. Have fuuunnnnn :) 

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