Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

Modesty Pizza - easy to make..


I must say, that having a 9-year-old-pre-teenage girl is fun..
Means that i have to be very creative in having an activity which involves both of us..
Besides sewing and singing, my daughter loves cooking..

So, i browse around, modifying some recipes.. and this is one of them..

Modesty Pizza -why modest? cause its very easy to make - hassle free and taste delicious as well.
The recipe is as follow :

Ingredients :
250 gr of multi purpose flour
1 sachet (11 gr) of instant yeast
2 tbs of oil (using vegetable oil)
1 full spoon of margarine
pinch of salt
2 tbs of sugar
1 tbs of milk

Sauce :
Mixing 2 tbs of tomato sauce - 1 tbs of mayonaise - 1 tbs chili sauce - pinch of mixed herbs
Toppings shall be on your preference - im having chicken sausages and corn.. for savoury
and banana - cheese for sweet pizza

How to make :

1. Prepare the yeast by mixing yeast, sugar, oil and 1 tbs of sugar into a bowl.. Pour half cup of warm water, stir well until its ready.. (its foamy when ready)
2. In bigger bowl - pour flour, instant milk, salt, sugar and yeast solvent.. Stir well, i add margarine and sugar. Mix well till it set. Set aside for 30 minutes, and cover the dough with wet kitchen towel.
3. Prepare the pan, get half of the dough - spread evenly. Pour the sauce mixture and add toppings
Do the same with sweet pizza, however, im not using any sauce for sweet pizza..But, i add some sugar before putting banana and covered it later with cheese
4. Turn on the stove - ensure you have proper heat . Takes around 10 minutes to make the cheese melt and the dough is ready. And yes, its ready to eat now.. :)

Enjoy your pizza, guyz.. Hope you find it as simple and easy as what i thought so..

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