Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Cooking Class N2

Dear Readers tersayang..

Sesuai janji... ini beberapa resep yang kami praktekkan saat masak bareng beberapa waktu lalu..

Mari prakteekk..

Brownies Kukus Rempah (untuk based cupcake) - resep mbak Fatmah
Bahan A:
6 btr telur
150 gr gula palem
75 gr gula pasir
1sdt emulsifier (sp ryoto, sp 28 atau quick 75 - merk yang kita pakai waktu latbar lalu)

Bahan B:
15 gr coklat bubuk
2 sdm bubuk kopi kualitas baik
150 gr tepung terigu
1 sdm bumbu spekuk kualitas baiki

Bahan C:
150 gr mentega/margarine
50 gr dark cooking chocolate
50 gr white cooking chocolate
1/2 sdm pasta mocca - lelehkan, set aside

Cara membuat:
  1. Siapkan cupmomma
  2. Kocok bahan A sampai kental, masukkan bahan B sambil diayak, lalu tuang bahan C, aduk hingga rata benar.
  3. Tuang satu bagian adonan kedalam loyang, kukus selama lk. 10 menit.
  4. Buka kukusan, taburi 1/2 bagian mesis (jika menggunakan filling/isi), tuang lagi satu bagian adonan, kukus lagi.
  5. Lakukan sampai adonan habis.
Siumay a'la Mode

Bahan2 :
Daging ikan tenggiri atau tuna cincang 400 gr
Daging udang cincang 200 gr
Sagu 3 sdm
Telur 2
bawang putih ulek 5 siung
Daun bawang cincang 3 sdm (optional)
Gula pasir 1.5 sdm munjung
Garam 1 sdt peres
Kaldu ayam 1 blok
Minyak wijen 1 sdm
Jahe halus 1/2 sdm
Kulit siumay secukupnya - tergantung ukuran siumay
minyak untuk mengoles
cetakan talam (biar gampang bou'.. )

Cara membuat :
1. Campur ikan, udang dan seluruh bumbu, aduk rata
2 .Tambahkan sagu, lalu telur.
3. Oles cetakan talam dengan minyak, menggunakan kuas
4, Masukkan kulit siumay kedalam cetakan, masukkan isi,, rapatkan - bila perlu gunakan cairan sagu atau putih telur utk merekatkan..
5. Panaskan dandang, kukus kurang lebih 45 menit/hingga matang.

Lumpia Ayam Asap oriental

Bahan2 :
Ayam asap 1 bungkus (aku pake merk fiesta.. )
1 mangkuk iceberg lettuce - diiris tipis
Bawang putih 3 siung diulek dengan 1 sdt garam
1 bawang bombay uk sedang cincang halus
Minyak wijen 1 sdt
1/2 sdt kecap inggris
2 sdm saus tiram
2 batang daun bawang diiris tipis
1 sdm margarine
1 sdt lada dan 1 sdt gula castor
3 sdm hoisin sauce - masukkan dalam piping bag
2 sdm saus sambal pedas
Kulit lumpia kualitas baik
Minyak utk menggoreng dan menumis

Air Jeruk Lemon

Cara membuat :
1. Panaskan 2 sdm minyak, setelah panas masukkan 1 sdm margarine
2. Tmis bawang putih, bawang bombay dan daun bawang
3. Masukkan ayam asap, aduk2.. tambahkan 2 sdm saus tiram, kecap inggris, garam, gula dan lada
4. Setelah semua bumbu meresap, tambahkan minyak wijen, matikan api - biarkan dingin
5. Bungkus dengan kulit lumpia, caranya, letakkan 1 sdt lettuce, 1 sdt ayam, beri sedikit hoisin sauce dan saus sambal. Lipat model sosis solo
6. Goreng dengan minyak banyak..
Sajikan dengan mayonaise campur

*alhamdulillah.. semua lancarr... seneng banget bisa berbagi ilmu.. ngrumpi.. sambil nggosip ga jelas.. ..

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

Mexican, anyone??

Sabtu pagi yang menyenangkan.. setelah beberapa minggu absen.. sudah waktunya saya mengajar kembali..

Pollo frito receta

Ingredients :
300gr chicken strips, marinated with 1 tbs worchestershire sauce, 1tsp pepper, 1 tsp palm sugar . pan seared.
1 onion, sliced,
2 potatoes, cube
1 cup mushroom, sliced
1 red bell pepper
6 chilli padi and 2 fresh jalapeno
1tsp dried chilli, 1 tsp oregano and half tsp ground cumin
half cup of fresh chopped cilantro
1 beef stock and half cup of milk
Half cup of tomato sauce.

How to make :

1. Heat 2 tbs veg oil.. add 1 tbs margarine
2. Saute 2 cloves crushed garlic, then add 1 thinly sliced bombay onion
3. Add chilli padi, 2 fresh jalapeno and potatoes..
4. Keep stirring, add half cup tomato sauce, half cup full cream milk and 1 cup of water
5. Let potatoes tender.. add mushroom and bellpepper - keep stirring
6. Add other spices, oregano-cumin-1 tsp dried chilli
7. Add pan seared chicken - stir occasionally.
8. put salt, sugar, pepper and beef stock - check the taste
9. Ready to serve

PS : To have more fiber, you can skip the potato, and add string bean/peas.
For Carbo, you can have steam rice, or potato (in any kind).

Beef fajitas

Tortilla bread
1 pound of tenderloin, sliced and marinate with ground pinaple, salt, and pepper. Pan seared or sauted.
half cup of champignon mushroom - sliced
1 onion - thinly sliced
Salt, pepper and mixed herbs
Beef stock
Red bellpepper and green chillies.
1 tbs sugar
Sour cream and fresh salsa
Mozarella Cheese - grated

How to make :

1. Pan seared beef after 30 minutes marinating. set aside
2. Heat oil, saute onion.. add mushroom and green peas (optional).. After they'are half cooked, add jalapeno and bell pepper, and other spices.. keep stirring.. add beef stock - 50 ml.
3. Mix with pan seared beef, let it simmer and dry.

To serve :
1. Warm tortilla bread
2. Thinly sliced lettuce iceberg
3. Put inside tortilla, give guacamole, salsa, sour cream and cheese, let is warm up.
4. Put the filling..
5. Serve

Bread pudding

Ingredients :
Half cup of red cherries
Half cup of green cherries
1 cup of raisins
8 white bread
Condensed milk with 2 cups of water
200 ml of fresh milk
4 eggs
Ground Cinnamon
2 tbs of maizena/corn starch

How to make :

Vanilla thick vla for filling :
1. Warm condensed milk w/ 2 cups of water.. stirring ocassionally.
2. Put 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, when its boiling, put 2 tbs of maizena..
3. Let them thickened. Put 2 loosely beaten egg.. Ensure that they mix well..

Bread pudding :
1. Soak bread into milk for 15 minutes.
2 . Mix bread with dry fruit, add half cup of sugar..
3. Add vanilla vla, mix well..
4. Pour into the pan. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of it..
5. Baked until it set.
6. Serve when its warm..

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

When something is beyond your reach..

While sipping my first cup of coffe today,.. A few things keeps bugging my mind..

I am one of those who thinks that all human shall be treated equally,.. That we as humans must try to wear other people shoes so we know how it feels.. Not to get the same bittersweet but more into giving empathy to others..

I trust an old saying that to please ourselves, we must pleased other people.. I believe in balance, harmony.. And i always believe that everything comes in pairs.. When we try to do good things.. There will be others who will instantly be the opponent .. Those people are whom I pity..

I believe the spirit of sharing and giving will add more value in our circle of life. i also believe that life is always full of suprises, which are some predictable and unpredictable.

When i use my common sense, and questioning something, a direct yet suprising feedback tickled my mind... I was juggling with pile of clothing, sorting things out, while a light underestimating statement came unexpectedly, questioning why i should bother to send those stuff... Why should i take more of my time, while there are a lot of simpler way to send helps..

Well, those keep bugging my mind, and suddenly i realize.. I shouldn't take into my account whatever other people think.. So, dont give a single damn about it.. Cause, everyone is responsible for what they do.. And the willingness to share what we have to those who suffers, is what takes into account..

So, it wont matters to me.. since.. I just do what other people should do.. as im not an angel.. Nor a devil.. As listening to those rubbish is even worst than being a devil myself..

*written on my way to the office, dedicated to those who keep saying rubbish without realizing it.. all my prayes go with you.. Hopefully you wont get same suffering like others..

Heaven on Earth

Is when i sip my cappuccino while listening to harry connick's song 'it had to be you'...

Is when i dance with my children when van morrison is singing 'brown eyed girl'..

Is when i do barefoot walking on the beach while enjoying sunset..

Is when i sit down by the beach listening when sea tide kizzez the sand accompanied by a warm jasmine tea while watching vanilla sky..

Is when i got up and having you by my side.. Who instantly awake and give me a hug..

Is when i know that in my circle of life.. Its always you who stand by me all the time..all these years..

At the end.. I finally believe that everyone can create their own heaven on earth.. As for me.. Life is soo precious.. Which encourage me to live at the fullest....

* dedicated to my life partner, families and all my best friend.. May life fill you with joy and happiness..

Test pack people

Sore hari yang menyejukkan.. Sambil menikmati secangkir teh melati hangat saya teringat obrolan dengan salah seorang teman baik...

Dalam obrolan santai itu, kami saling bertukar pikiran, bertukar pendapat mengenai environment sekitar, kejadian sehari2 dan banyak hal lainnya..

Boleh dibilang.. Saya maupun kawan saya sama2 orang yang percaya siklus hidup - circle of life. Kami berdua juga percaya bahwa bahkan setetes embun jatuh pun sudah digariskan sama yang punya hidup..

Semua mahluk yang diciptakan, tentu mempunyai maksud dan tujuan masing2.. Kunci yang paling utama dalam hidup ya hanya.. BERSYUKUR... ENJOY LIFE AT THE FULLEST.. OPTIMIS SELALU...

Ketiganya yang kadang2 suka hilang dari benak saya saat menhadapi 'bunga-bunga hidup'.. Padahal banyak hal di kehidupan sehari2 yang harusnya bisa membuat saya lebih pandai bersyukur..

Salah satu hal adalah memohon, berdoa dan berusaha agar tidak termasuk ke dalam golongan 'Test Pack People'.. Test Pack people itu istilah yang saya pergunakan bagi orang2 yang memang tugasnya di dunia untuk menguji kesabaran kita, keimanan kita.. mungkin juga salah satu lembar ujian untuk 'naik kelas' kalau saya boleh meminjam istilah alm papa. Kenapa saya pake istilah 'test pack'.. Ya karena biasanya test pack bisa bawa hasil negatif dan positif.. Sebagaimana mereka itu..

Mereka biasanya terdapat di sekitar kita, tipical yang punya cara pandang berputar (meski akhirnya sama.. Cant u imagine kalo kita mau ke bogor, tapi mereka milih untuk lewat cilegon?).. exclusive dan tidak adaptif (cuman gue yang pinter yang laen iq jongkok type of thing...)

Hm.. Tipical 'dementor' gitu deh.. (Buat penggemar Harry mestinya tau 'Dementor' itu apaan - it sucks your happiness away.. ) Yang mending kita ga dket2 tp bikin penasaran.. Padahal udah tau endingnya gimana.. (guyz.. Pasti semua pernah nemu yg kek gini kan?).. Kalo blum pernah, utopia kali ya namanya...

Well, let me tell you something.. Saat berhadapan dengan mereka..hal pertama yang ada di benak kita adalah sumpah serapah di ujung bibir..trus keinginan buat ngelawan.. wes pokoknya.. HAJAR ajah.. Maklum lah namanya juga dementor jadi aja self defense kita jalan.. BUT.... GUYS, U know something? Ternyata mereka memang diturunkan sebagai kertas ulangan kita lho..

Jadi, alih2 sebel.. Harusnya kita melakukan apa yang seharusnya kita lakukan... Tempatkan segala sesuatu pada porsinya, jangan pernah coba pakai sepatu mereka. Percaya deh.. Gak levelan kita.. hadapi dengan fakta yang ada.. Satu lagi.. JANGAN TERPANCING...

WHY? Sayang waktu dan tenaga yang dihabiskan untuk debat kusir, nglayanin atau malah gondok ngliat kelakuan si test pack? Toh, bukankah dunia itu berputar.. Bukankah lebih baik kita bersyukur mendapat 'ulangan' yang kayak gitu? Dalam hati.. 'cemeeennn'..

Yang perlu kita semua ingat, bahwa setiap orang tentu punya perspektif berbeda. So what?? Penting ya buat mikirin pendapat orang lain? Maka itu.. Kadang being ignorance perlu juga lho..

Pertanyaan yang sama Sembarangankah saya menulis catatan seperti ini? Gak juga sie.. Karena ini catatan pribadi saya, sebagai upaya pembelajaran bagi saya dan beberapa kawan baik yang minta di tag..

Last but not least.. waktunya duduk diam, berfikir, berdoa dan percaya..

Mes ames.. Circle of life does exist.. Dan Insya Allah..semua hal baik yang kita tanam.. Tentu akan berbuah baik dan indah pada waktunya.. Amien..

Kesimpulannya.. Besok2 kita musti beliin lotere buat para test pack.. Kan mereka yang bolak balik ngingetin kita.. Bener gak?? (ngakak dehhh.. wkwkwkw.. )

*catatan iseng saya ditulis diatas mobil omprengan menuju rumah...

Tol cikampek - 1 dec 2010 - 19.01

Kamis, 25 November 2010

Heaven on earth..

Is when i sip my cappuccino while listening to harry connick's song 'it had to be you'

Is when i dance with my children when van morrison is singing 'brown eyed'..

Is when i do barefoot walking on the beach during sunset..

Is when i sit down by the beach listening when sea tide kizzez the sand accompanied by a warm jasmine tea while watching vanilla sky..

Is when i got up and having you by my side.. Who instantly awake and give me a hug..

Is when i know that in my circle of life.. Its always you who stand by me all the time..all these years..

At the end.. I finally believe that everyone can create their own heaven on earth.. As for me.. Life is soo precious.. Which encourage me to live at the fullest....

* dedicated to my life partner, families and all my best friend.. May life fill you with joy and happiness..

Senin, 22 November 2010

Friendship..another 'Life Metamorphosis'

Di satu weekend yang menyenangkan.. saat itu saya dan beberapa orang sahabat sedang merayakan hari jadi seorang teman kami..

Berada di tengah2 mereka, mendengarkan celoteh dan lawakan gak penting namun selalu bikin kangen..tanpa disadari membuat saya mengucap syukur alhamdulillah.. 'segala puji bagiMu ya Allah.. Yang telah memberikan saya banyak bahu untuk bersandar..

Bercerita dari mulai masalah dapur hingga yang 'xxx' rated... Sampai masalah remeh temeh ga penting yg jadi bunga hidup kami semua..

Kami datang dari beragam pelosok, dengan ragam tabiat dan persoalan yang ada.. Yet.. Friendship we have conquer all matters...

Most of us are working moms, ada juga yang masi single but not available.. Perbedaan yang terdapat diantara saya dan sahabat2 saya.. Ternyata benar2 menjadi berkah. Through them.. I know that circle of life does exist, through them i see black and white.. Through them.. I saw how people struggle and love at the same time..

All of us have been through several metamorph.. Boleh dikatakan begitu.. Pertemuan saya dengan sahabat2 saya ini pun boleh dibilang diluar kebiasaan. As we have different interest.. i think i need to say thank you to mr wannabe.. at least as a 'gak penting & nyebelin' person.. You've brought us up together.. 'jij ada gunanya juga ya pak.. Wkwkwkw (gals.. You know who he is.. Rite.. Wkwkwk)...

Seperti yang orang tua bilang.. Always believe in destiny.. Bahkan setetes embun yg jatuh ke permukaan pun ada yang mengatur.. Well.. I do believe in that..

Buat saya.. Mereka seperti oase.. Tempat saya rehat sejenak kala kelelahan menerpa.. Jarak dan waktu bukan jadi masalah... (hi kris, nilam, carla.. *miss u galz..),.. As most of us even replying msg while sleeping (correct me if im wrong gals.. Wkwkwk..)..

Intinya adalah.. We all stand back to back.. Things that i have never found before...

Well, what else should i say.. Besides.. 'gals.. Stay put.. Stand back to back.. So now i know that im not the only 'TWISTED HEAD' that occurs.. Thank you for everything.. :D.. Big hugs for all of you..

*written as promised and dedicated to all my dearest girlfriends...

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Italian, anyone... ;)

Hasil praktek last weekend..
Italian food.. anyone ??

Savoury bread pudding
Ingredients :
6 Whole wheat bread - cubed
250 gr Smoked chicken breast - cubed
1 tbs Italian mixed herbs
1 cup Cheddar cheese, cubed 1x1
1/2 cup shredded cheddar to be mix with 2 tbs bread crumb
1,5 cup Milk
4 Eggs - lightly beaten
Loaf pan or muffin pan
Butter or margarine
How to make :
1. Mix the milk with 1 tsp salt, half tspoon pepper, italian mix spices, and 2/3 of lightly beaten eggs.
2. Soak bread in milk mixture..
3. Heat 2 tbs of cooking oil, sauted 3 cloves finely chop garlic, till brown, add 1 cup of champignon mushroom and smoked chicken. Keep stirring until mushroom is caramelized.
4. Turn off the heat, set aside.
5. In a big bowl, mix the tender bread, sauted mushroom and chicken.
6. Pour the mix into pan
7. pour the bread crumb and chiz mix..on top of the dough.
8. Warm the oven - 200 C for 5 minutes, put the pan in. Bake for 20 minutes in 200 degrees.

Italian mix salad
Ingredients :
Penne/fusilli pasta - boiled al dente
black olive - sliced
Boneless chicken ..pan seared..
Red kidney bean - boiled until tender, otherwise use canned one
Romano head and iceberg lettuce
Whole kernel frozen corn
Red paprika and fresh parmesan0 grated
light sour cream or lemon yoghurt
Ground sugar, italian mixed herbs, olive oil , salt n pepper, lemon zest..
How to make the dressing :
Prepare 1 full cup of yoghurt
Add half cup of olive oil, half cup of melted butter, 2 tbs of vinegar or lemon juice, 1 tbs of lemon zest, 1 tbs of italian mixed spice, salt, sugar and pepper to taste.
Using a whisker, stir until everything mixed well.
Set aside, cover the bowl and put them in fridge.
Boil the pasta, set aside. Prepare other salad component, set aside. Let it cool until time to serve.
Aglio olio pepperocino
Ingredients :
8 shrimp
3 cloves garlic - finely chop
1 onion - finely chop
spaghetti or fetuccini or tagliatelle
Olive oil
3 chilli padi
1 tsp dried chillies
Salt and pepper to taste
dried parsley
how to make :
Heat 2 tbs of cooking oil. Sauted garlic and onion until brown.
Add shrimp and chillies, stir occassionally, add salt, pepper and dry spices.
Add pasta, and half cup of olive oil.
Check whether the taste is already as expected.
Serve with garlic bread.

Note :
tbs - table spoon
tsp - tea spoon
cup - regular tea cup

Semuanya gampang banget buatnyaaa... Jadi.. silahkan dicoba .. :)

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Cooking Class

Finally, my first assignment after quite some time. Thankfully, a friend of a friend, feels that he might need to learn to cook :)..

It was a sudden, as i was introduced and he said he's ready to practice at soonest.. Whoaaa.. Well... anyway, below are the recipes from what we tried yesterday..

Oriental Fried Noodle (Mie Goreng Oriental)


1 package mee telur/angel hair noodle/kway teow

3 cloves of garlic – finely chopped

1 bombay onion – finely chopped

3 tbs of sweet soy sauce + 1 tbs of veg oil

2 tbs of oyster sauce

1 egg

2 tbs of minced beef

4 meatballs – sliced

1 leek – cut in med sliced

Caisin leaves

Salt and pepper as required

2 tbs of veg oil and 1 tbs of margarine

How to make :

1. Boil the noodle, make it al dente (around 2-3 minutes), directly rinse with cold water to stop the cooking process

2. Mixed the noodle with sweet soy sauce and 1 tbs of veg oil

3. Put the oil on the pan, when its hot enough, put the margarine, let both of them mixed well.

4. Sauté the garlic until it golden brown, add the Bombay onion and stir fry.

5. Add eggs, meatball and minced beef. Stir occasionally.

6. Add leek and caisin, then oyster sauce, salt and pepper .

7. Leave it until the caisin and leek mixed well then add the mee.

8. Mix well and stir occasionally until its cooked – around 3 until 5 minutes.

9. Ready to serve



100 gr of enoki mushroom

250 of baby string bean

150 gr of minced beef/chicken

1 onion – thinly sliced

4 cloves garlic – finely chopped

6 dried chillies – sliced

1 tbs of ground dried chillies

1 tsp of black pepper

1 tsp of sugar

1 tbs of oyster sauce

½ tsp of salt

2 tbs of veg oil and 1 tbs of margarine

How to make :

1. Prepare the steamer

2. Steam the baby beans until is half cook – more or less 4 minutes, set aside

3. Steam the enoki for around 2 minutes.

Sezchuan sauce

1. Heat the oil, add the margarine.

2. When its hot enough, sauté the garlic, stir it and add onion after the garlic is cook enough.

3. While stirring, add the beef and stir well

4. Add the chillies – both dried and ground dried chillies, salt, pepper and sugar.

5. Give half cup of water, let it well cooked.

How to serve :

1. Arrange the bean as a bottom, the put the enoki on top of bean

2. Pour the sezchuan sauce on top.

3. Serve with rice J



350 gr of tiger prawn

1 bombay onion – sliced

4 cloves garlic – sliced

1 leek – sliced

2 tbs of sweet soy sauce

2 tbs of oyster sauce

2 tbs of veg oil

2 tbs of margarine

½ tsp of sugar

½ tsp of pepper

How to make :

1. Clean the tiger prawn thoroughly.

2. Heat the pan, add veg oil and margarine

3. Sauté the garlic until its golden, add the onion, stir it occasionally.

4. Add the sliced leek, oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, pepper and prawn.

5. Keep stirring for around 4 minutes until its cook.

6. Ready to serve

Notes :

1. Seafood is mostly fast-cooking. If you cook it for too long, it’ll be harder to chew and lost the juices as well.

2. You can always change it with squid or mussels. To discharge the smell, you can soak squid with milk or boil it for 30 seconds with water and ginger. For mussels, boil it with ginger, until the shell is open.



600 ml of soy milk (more or less 2,5 cups)

1 sachet konnyaku powder – orange flavor

1 can of mandarin orange

How to make :

1. Warm the milk, stir it well.

2. When you can see it almost boiling, add the konyaku powder, mix well.

3. Put the heat into the lowest

4. Stir around 3 minutes, pour into pudding bowl/tray.

5. Let it cool

6. Serve cold with mandarin compote

Next class, will be pasta, shepherd's pie and mix salad.. :)