Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

Hectic Atmosphere @ Work

Duluuuuu bangeeettt..

Gw jatuh cinta sama nie kantor.. suasananya kondusif, segala sesuatu dapat dipermudah, orang-orangnya juga asik-asik.. no hurt feelings.. segala sesuatu saling bantu..

Everything was crystal clear..

And then.. unlike any other cinderella story, life is never unspoken, life can never be predicted, life is easy but still complicated, and there are no such thing like.. it will last forever, or happily ever after.. The storm began..

Not that I complain my biggest Manager as he is a very humble man.. Just some people around him that trigger the gun.. that explodes several times a day..

Capek banget rasanya.. sampe2 gw berpikir kalao its no longer self esteem being here.. its just basic needs... cuman ngliat anak2 gw..mengingat kebutuhan2 mereka.. THAT's ABOUT ALL!!!!!

My heart for this company has gone.. Probably, many of these newbie has complained about me.. yeah.. like i care..

Positifnya.. disini baik untuk belajar (hmm... dengan segenap ujian setiap hari.. kapan coba??)
Negatifnya??? Doesnt take a genious to know that there're lots..and lots.. and lots... I've always try to think positive when a few things collaps in my hand, however, still.. always fail to understand the positive side which encourage my couriousity.. Is it just me?? or what??

Lepas dari apapun.. being here is only to fulfill my needs.. basic needs.. else?? NO.. NADA..
Anywayyy.. gw berpegang dari salah satu dalil bahwa kerja itu ibadah..jadi musti iklas.. udah deeehh.. hehehe...

banyak2 istigar mungkin itu kuncinya yA??... kita lihat saja nanti dhe.. pertama kali posting kayaknya gw banyak komplen yaa..

Anyway.. .guyzz.. paling tidak..at least gw ada yang bisa dbawa pulang tiap bulannya.. *alhamdulillah.. doakan biar gw tetep amanah.. sabar.. tawakal.. amien..

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