Minggu, 26 September 2010

Aglio Olio a'la Dapur Kirana

believe that a good day start with a good breakfast.. rite??

Lazying in Sunday morning..with some thoughts.. besides getting some groceries shopping today.. im a bit bored of usual breakfast menus..

Well.. browsing around in my groceries cupboards and fridge... then i got an idea of making aglio olio.. hmm.. my version of aglio olio..

Just for easy reference.. our version of aglio alio is as simple as it could be..

Aglio Olio a'la Dapur Kirana

bahan-bahan :

200 gr pasta - direbus al dente.. (gw pake fusilli kali ini)
6 ekor udang dipotong sesuai selera
4 cube ikan dori - dipotong sesuai selera
2 siung bawang putih - dicincang
4 cabe rawit
1 sdm saus cabe
1/2 sdt garam
1/4 sdt lada halus
1/2 kotak kaldu blok
1 sdm minyak goreng
1 sdm margarine/butter
1 sdm olive oil

How to make :

1. Make the pasta al dente - instantly rinse with cold water after cooking, just to avoid it to stick each other..
2.Heat the pan.. Add veg oil, add margarine.. saute garlic, chillies, dory fish, and shrimp.
3. Add olive oil into pan.. stir occasionally, add other spices, ensure all ingredients are beautifully cook.
4. Add pasta, stir occasionally. Add salt or any other spices if needed.
5. Turn of the heat.. Serve.. :)

Hope this can make your day.. just as it made mine..

Happy cooking everyone..

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